Special School Services
West Midlands Inclusive Choir
The West Midlands Inclusive Choir welcomes people aged 18 years and under, and their families. It is free to join, there are no auditions, and you do not need to be able to read music notation. It meets on Saturdays at 11am on Zoom
The choir celebrates that everyone has their own way of sharing their voice. By welcoming all voices it aims to be as inclusive as possible, and actively try to remove barriers to participation from those with severe and profound learning disabilities.
More information, including rehearsal dates, can be found here.
Special Schools and PRUs
Encore Music Service supports music provision in Special Schools and PRUs through a range of options that can be delivered throughout the academic year or on a half-yearly, termly or half-termly basis.
Options include individual tuition across a range of instruments including ukulele, guitar, drums, keyboard and vocals. Group and whole class projects are tailored to the needs of the children and young people. Music is used as a tool to develop communication skills, self-esteem, concentration and teamwork. Typically, lessons in primary settings focus on percussion, body movement, games as well as regular opportunities for singing. Options for older KS2 and KS3 - KS5 students include DJing, rap, African drumming, samba, junk percussion and rock/pop ‘band’ projects which combine instrumental skills with song writing and recording. Charanga’s SEND online resources (see below) are available to support music provision delivered by school staff.
For further details, please contact Sue Walker (Music Education Manager): swalker@encore-enterprises.com
SEN/D resources - mainstream and special schools
Within its ‘Musical School’ resource, Charanga has an award-winning SEND/ASL section designed for pupils in mainstream primary and special schools.
At the heart of the Charanga SEND/ASL section is a Scheme of Work called ‘Anyone Can Play’ which was developed by the Music Unlimited team over several years of working in SEND/ASL settings. Charanga has adapted the Scheme into a simple-to-use digital programme with important new features while preserving the tried and tested core methodology.
Click here to find out more about Charanga SEN/D resources or contact Sue Walker (Music Education Manager): swalker@encore-enterprises.com