LIVEWIRE - Drop-In Sessions
Venue: Hereford Town Hall
When: Mondays (term-time with the exception of 02/09/24, 06/01/25, 21/07/25)
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Age: 11 - 21
Coordinated by Chris Butts
The Drop-In sessions are a weekly, term-time, drop-in for anybody interested in music. Whether you've never picked up an instrument before or you're a grade 8, classically trained violinist or anywhere in between, we invite you to flex your musical muscles.
In these sessions you can explore different song & lyric writing methods, an original take on covers, music production, rap, band development & recording.
Check out the video at the top of the page for a walkthrough of the sessions and for more information, please contact Lisa Lyness: lisa@encore-enterprises.com
"An amazing musical experience!"
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