Bursary Application FAQs
What are bursaries for?
Bursaries provide financial assistance for:
instrumental or vocal tuition and;
participation in music activities such as courses, workshops, residentials, events and masterclasses.
Parents/carers can apply for assistance with either tuition or music activities or both. Young people do not need to be in receipt of an instrumental/vocal tuition bursary to be eligible to apply for a music activities bursary.
Who is eligible to apply?
Children and young people living in Herefordshire or attending school/college in Herefordshire.
Is there an age limit?
Children and young people must be 19 years of age or younger on the date the application is received by Herefordshire Music Fund and will cease at the end of the academic year the young person becomes 20 years of age.
How much are bursaries worth?
Usually, bursaries will assume a 20-minute individual lesson rate of £11.50 (£34.50 per hour). For paired or group lessons, the rate will be adjusted accordingly. For more advanced students, bursaries may be awarded for longer lessons. Bursaries will fund up to 32 lessons per year.
For More Information
If you have any queries about Herefordshire Music Fund or a Herefordshire Music Fund bursary, please contact:
Bursaries for young people entitled to receive free school meals will cover up to 100% of tuition costs. Parents/carers can check if they are entitled to free school meals by clicking here.
Parents/carers who are not entitled to receive free school meals are invited to apply for a ‘discretionary’ bursary. The amount awarded will be at the discretion of the Trustees and will cover between 25% - 75% of tuition costs.
At the Trustees discretion, bursaries for music activities will contribute towards or cover the full cost of fees.
Is it first come first served or criteria-based?
Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of bursaries on offer, the Trustees will seek to promote a broad range of instruments/voice across a range of genres.
Applications from children/young people in the following categories will be positively received:
existing recipients of bursaries who have made excellent progress.
continuation following a year of whole class instrumental tuition.
progression from group/paired tuition to individual tuition due to excellent progress.
For how long are bursaries awarded?
Bursaries are awarded for a period of two years. However, the on-going award of a bursary is dependent on a positive report being received at the end of each term from the recipient’s instrumental/vocal tutor indicating excellent attendance and progress at an appropriate level such as achieving grade examinations or participation in music groups.
How do I apply?
Please complete the online application form which can be found here. Please note the following:
All applicants are required to state their total household income before tax. This information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Parents/carers of children in receipt of free school meals should scan and upload a copy of the letter received from the Revenue and Benefits Service of Herefordshire Council confirming that their child is eligible for free school meals.
Parents/carers requesting a discretionary bursary are asked to supply as much evidence of their financial situation as possible. The following questions are included on the application form:
Apart from child support, are you in receipt of any Government benefits (local or national) or other financial support? Any documentary evidence should be scanned and uploaded, ensuring that the date, including the year, is visible.
Has your household experienced a recent significant drop in income? If so, please explain.
Please provide as much information as possible to help the Bursary Awards Panel understand your situation including any specific circumstances/events that have led you to make this application.
All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
How will I know if my application is successful?
If a bursary application is successful, the Fund Administrator will inform you and your instrumental/vocal tutor and lessons can begin. The instrumental/vocal tutor will claim the bursary amount direct from Herefordshire Music Fund. Parents/careres (or your child’s school if this has been agreed in advance) will be responsible for paying the tutor any remaining lesson fees.
What happens if my application is successful but I haven’t found a tutor?
If an application is successful but a tutor has not been confirmed, applicants will have four weeks to find a tutor and let the Fund Administrator know who the tutor is. After four weeks, if a tutor has not been found, the bursary may be withdrawn and re-allocated to another applicant.
Can additional information in support of my application be submitted?
Parents/carers are encouraged to ask their child’s instrumental/vocal tutor (current or previous) or Headteacher/Principal to provide the Bursary Awards Panel with an online statement in support of your application. Further details can be downloaded from the ‘How to Apply’ page.
Will all applications be considered?
All applications will be considered and all applicants will be informed of the Trustees' decision. It is not possible to provide updates regarding the progress of applications. The Trustees' decision is final. It is not possible to provide feedback on the Trustees' decisions.
If my application is unsuccessful, can I re-apply?
Funding available for bursaries is limited. Should an application be unsuccessful, parents/carers are able to resubmit during the next round of applications.
Can I apply if my child’s teacher is not an Accredited Teacher with Encore Enterprises?
Yes. There are many excellent music tutors who are not Accredited Teachers. For any instrumental/vocal tutor not known to the Trustees, the Trustees will seek a recommendation from the school’s/college’s Head of Music/music coordinator or a reference.
Can children and young people who attend an independent school apply?
Yes. Applications will be assessed against evidence of financial need like all other applications
Is there a deadline for applications?
If funds allow, bursaries will be awarded four times a year. Applications should be submitted by the Friday before each half-term and the Friday of the first full week of the Autumn term and can be submitted at any time. Applicants will be contacted with the result of their application within three weeks of the submission deadline.
Should you have any further questions or queries, please contact us: musicfund@encore-enterprises.com