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Charges, Remissions and Subsidies

Accredited Teacher Scheme


There is no charge to Herefordshire Music Education Hub/Encore Music Service partner schools to access the Accredited Teacher List. All costs associated with the Accredited Teacher scheme are subsidised with DfE grant funding.


Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET)


DfE funding is used to subsidise the cost to schools of WCET provision. Schools that are able to deliver their own ‘in-house’ whole class instrumental tuition receive either a subsidy to purchase a subscription to Charanga’s ‘Musical School’ online resources or resources of their own choice.


Singing Opportunities


School participation in Hub singing opportunities is subsidised with DfE grant funding.


CPD and Training


Schools receive one free CPD support visit from the HLO’s Music Education Manager, subsidised by DfE grant funding. The Primary and Secondary/College Music Network meetings and other CPD and training opportunities are subsidised by DfE grant funding.


Instrument Hire


Free instrument hire is available to pupils in receipt of Free School Meals due to low income. The cost to Herefordshire pupils for instrument hire is also subsidised with DfE grant funding.


Encore Youth Music


Pupils in receipt of Free School Meals have free access to Encore Youth Music ensembles. Part of our DfE funding is used to subsidise the subscription cost to all pupils. Subsidised EYM family membership is available. Children and young people under 18 years can attend Encore Youth Music concerts free of charge.


Herefordshire Music Fund


The Herefordshire Music Fund is an independent registered charity that provides instrumental / vocal tuition and activity bursaries for children and young people from families in challenging financial circumstances.

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